August 15, 2018

Indexing: when, how and why?

The best way to find out what indexers do is to try it yourself. Grab an old textbook and go through it from page to page, highlighting every occurrence of names, places, titles and concepts. Go back and type up all the entries into a big table with the page numbers and page ranges included. Sort the whole thing into alphabetical order, and presto! you have an index.
August 29, 2018

Let’s get technical and ditch the jargon

They may be the latest buzz words, but too much jargon in your communications is more likely to make your audience buzz off.
September 13, 2018

Political correctness in writing

Being politically correct isn’t a choice in writing, it’s a necessity. And ensuring you’re communications are inclusive, non-discriminatory and non-offensive takes a little more effort than you may think.
September 27, 2018

Bullet points can shoot you in the foot

Communications have changed drastically over the past decade. Letters and phone calls have been replaced by emails and texts, and telling a story is now reduced to 280 characters or a picture that’s supposed to tell a thousand words.
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