Flexibility and Expertise: Why Legal Content Writers are a Smart Choice for Law Firms

Legal content writers offer workload flexibility, specialized expertise, and cost efficiency. They bring fresh, innovative approaches to your content strategy, helping law firms stay ahead and grow. Embrace this revolutionary approach to enrich your services with diverse perspectives and agility.

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Leveraging AI for Enhanced Legal Compliance

In the dynamic realm of legal compliance, questions arise: What is AI’s role? Can it reliably interpret complex legal documents? Over one-third of legal professionals use AI for contract analysis, with more to follow. This article serves as a compass in the AI-enhanced legal landscape, addressing not only the ‘what’ and ‘how’ but also the ‘why’ and ‘what if.’ Navigating the compliance labyrinth resembles high-stakes chess, with each move pivotal. AI-driven analytics emerge as vigilant sentinels, offering a proactive shield. Wordwallah offers clarity and precision in communication, complementing AI’s benefits in legal compliance.

AI-Powered Legal Tech: Transforming Regulatory Compliance for Modern Businesses

Your once vibrant business is now choked by a web of regulations, each a potential minefield of fines, penalties, and reputational damage. You spend countless hours navigating legalese, drowning in paperwork, and fearing the knock of the compliance officer. Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone.

How to Measure the Success of Your Annual Report: A Guide for Australian Government Agencies

Maximize the effectiveness of your Australian Government agency’s annual report with our tailored guide. Learn to evaluate impact, measure stakeholder engagement, and ensure transparency and accountability. Derived from the latest ANAO and PGPA Act guidance, gain actionable insights to develop clear performance criteria, collect reliable data, and report effectively. Elevate your reporting standards to demonstrate excellence and build public trust. Unlock the potential of your annual report as a powerful tool for showcasing achievements and communicating impact.

What is Legal Compliance?

Ever feel like navigating regulations is like threading a needle in a hurricane? You're not
alone. The legal landscape can be a swirling storm of laws, rules, and ever-changing

Mastering the Art of Thought Leadership Content Creation: Establish Your Brand as an Industry Authority

In today’s competitive business landscape, establishing your brand as an industry authority is crucial for success. Thought leadership content creation is a powerful tool that can help you achieve this goal. By sharing your expertise, insights, and ideas, you can position yourself as a trusted voice in your field, gaining the trust and respect of your target audience. In this article, we will explore the art of thought leadership content creation and provide you with valuable tips to help you establish your brand as an industry authority.

The Benefits of Outsourcing: Wordwallah’s Guide to Successful Partnerships

In today’s fast-paced business world, professionals are constantly seeking ways to optimize their time and resources. One area that often requires attention is written content creation. Finding reliable and experienced writers who consistently deliver exceptional work can be a challenge. That’s where outsourcing to expert content creators like Wordwallah can make a significant difference. In this article, we will explore the benefits of outsourcing and how Wordwallah can be your trusted partner in achieving excellence in written communication.

Strategies for Corporate Thought Leadership: Leveraging Articles and Reports

In the ever-evolving landscape of the corporate world, the pursuit of establishing a brand as a thought leader has evolved from an aspiration into a strategic imperative.
With this perspective in mind, let's explore the strategies to establish a company’s thought leadership.

Unlock Your Potential with Expert Content Creators: Elevate Your Brand’s Impact

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, the power of effective written communication cannot be underestimated. Whether it’s crafting compelling blog posts, creating engaging social media content, or developing informative whitepapers, the quality of your written content plays a crucial role in shaping your brand’s impact. That’s where expert content creators come in. These professionals possess the skills, knowledge, and experience to unlock your potential and take your brand to new heights.

Boost Your Brand with Professional Content Writing Services: Unleash the Power of Words

In today’s competitive business landscape, establishing a strong brand presence is crucial for success. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through professional content writing services. By harnessing the power of words, you can boost your brand and connect with your target audience on a deeper level. In this article, we will explore the benefits of professional content writing services and how they can help you achieve excellence in written communication.

The Power of Effective Government Communication: Crafting Compelling Web Content

In an age of digital transformation, government agencies increasingly recognize the significance of clear and concise communication.

Content strategy: a cornerstone of success for blue chip companies

A blue-chip company, often recognised as a leader in its industry, possesses substantial resources, market influence, and a strong reputation. However, maintaining that status and adapting to the evolving expectations of consumers and stakeholders is a challenging feat.

Content translation strategy: how it boosts content reachability

One common way to improve the reachability of content is to translate it into other languages. This can be done in several ways, such as using machine translation or hiring professional translators. Translated content can be shared on social media, websites, and other formats.

Why content writing matters in 2023

In today’s digital age, content writing is crucial for businesses and individuals looking to establish their brand and connect with their audience.

Effective content writing can help you stand out, build trust with your audience, and drive more conversions and sales. Whether it’s blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters, mastering the art of content writing is essential for success in today’s digital landscape.

Top business benefits of using plain language

Plain language is a way of expressing ideas easily understood by the reader. It is becoming an increasingly popular method of communication in the business world. Many companies started recognising the benefits of using plain language to communicate more clearly and efficiently with customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Readability: Its importance to my content

Readability is essential for all types of writing, whether for a blog post, an article, or even a simple email. No matter what you’re writing, making sure it’s readable will help ensure its success in achieving its purpose.

Editing vs proofreading

Both editing and proofreading are essential steps in ensuring that a text is error-free and understandable.

Top things to consider before hiring an editing or proofreading service

When you’re a writer, it’s easy to get lost in your work. You may think that you can catch every typo, grammatical error, and misspelt word – but the fact is there are always going to be mistakes in your writing.

Advantages of hiring contract editorial staff

COVID-19, like other disruptive worldwide occurrences, has saddled many businesses with financial instability and halted staffing levels. On the other hand, the pandemic has prompted businesses to reconsider and adjust their business strategies, which requires considerable commitment and adaptability.

The weight of your words

In this age of information, your words spread as fast as wildfire. You can get a message to a colleague on the other side of the country or world in an instant. Productivity has shot through the roof because of this.

Why empathy is a critical skill for all levels of staff

Connecting with others is vital to most businesses. From the receptionist and sales team all the way to the CEO and even IT. All departments communicate at some point, whether it’s with customers or colleagues.

How body language can impact your video calls, meetings, and interviews

During the pandemic, businesses have leapt to working from home. There has also been a shift in how they’re having their meetings too. They’re going virtual, and it’s working fantastically! With this in mind, it can be expected that this method of meeting, interviewing, and calling is here to stay.

Why being transparent is so important

Are you making the most of your spare time or reduced workload during the pandemic? It’s okay if you’re not because this time is a more stressful situation than most of us have ever experienced.

5 tips for increasing your productivity while working from home

Are you making the most of your spare time or reduced workload during the pandemic? It’s okay if you’re not because this time is a more stressful situation than most of us have ever experienced.

How to spot fake news

Fake news can appear as falsified news anywhere there could be readers. Your social media, your favourite blog, even a newspaper could be fabricating content to attract or deceive readers. Their goal is generally to profit from ad revenue and clicks.

What ‘they’ really means and why you need to start using it now

Have you ever been asked to refer to someone as ‘they’ instead of ‘he’ or ‘she’? Honestly, it’s not hard and you should simply go along with it. If you’re wondering as to why, though, there’s definitely more to tell.

5 Steps to up your email communication game

The average workplace is overwhelmed with a constant stream of emails. Your office likely uses email as its main source of internal and external communication. Companies are doing their best to drive the quantity down but is that really needed? Work is getting ever busier, less communication can’t be the only answer.

Communicating with your now home-based employees

With the spread of the novel Coronavirus, for many companies around the globe, remote employment has become our everyday norm. Our typical office spaces are closing as a safety measure, further limiting our social interactions. Telecommuting is becoming the true hurdle traditional employers are facing in this pandemic.

The 4 Big Communication Styles

Everyone has a communication style that’s unique to them. How they act, how people act, can be broken down into four big styles of communication.

Communicating with your digital employees

With the rise of corporate and tech giants around the globe, remote employment has become so mainstream you’re average Starbucks has become the go to office for many remote workers. Telecommuting is the latest hurdle traditional employers are facing.

How to improve corporate communication

Ever heard “effective communication holds the key to every business’ success”?

It is for this reason that experts are always looking for ways to enhance how people communicate in the workplace.

Five tips to improve communication in the workplace

Meetings are a necessary evil of any company or corporation. However, when the meeting is over, the messages that come out of them are often lost in the everyday hustle and bustle of a busy workplace.


Good businesses learn to evolve, not just in the way they do things but, just as importantly, in the way they communicate, both with their client base as well as their internal teams. This ability to adapt becomes even more crucial as people move into new roles, or teams change. Managing the way communication is handled is vital to ensure smooth transitions and successful successions.

Picture this

When people think of communication, they’re usually thinking about words – emails, texts, reports, letters, memos. There’s also verbal communications – phone calls, meetings, face-to-face chats, even gossip.

Lost in translation

Language is ever evolving, and so should our communications. If I was ‘sick’ in 2000, I had a day off work, but today if I say “I’m sick”, I would be letting the world know how good I really am.

The ABC of TV interviews

Knowing how to navigate the quick-fire questions of a broadcast interview is a necessary evil for many executives and corporate kingpins. With the prevalence of social media and fake news, there is more room than ever for a faux pas to become the next news cycle’s headline.

Top 5 communication skills and how to improve them

Text messages, emails, social media campaigns – communication in the workplace today takes many forms. However, it’s not about the amount of information managers are sending out to their employees that matters. It’s the way the information is disseminated that makes the biggest impact on staff engagement and motivation.

Corporate vs Marketing

Creating true corporate communication strategies is a challenge for many organisations – large, small, private and public.

Get strategic about corporate communications

Creating true corporate communication strategies is a challenge for many organisations – large, small, private and public.

The changing nature of technical writing

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, technical writers are going to be in very high demand over the next 10 years. The BLS reported demand for this highly specialised form of communication is set to rise by 10 per cent between 2014 and 2024.

Hashing it out

There’s one button on your keyboard that has more power than any other. It has grown in popularity over the years and is now one of the most useful tools you can use to get traction on any social media website.

Plan and perfect

It’s a new financial year and, as well as getting your 2020 budget in order, it’s probably a good time to also think about how you want to incorporate your communications into both your costings and your vision.

Seven tips to rescue your Search Engine Optimisation

If you build it they will come – or will they? Search Engine Optimisation is a must if you want readers to find you online. Just because you’ve put a few choice words on the screen, it doesn’t guarantee those readers will come. SEO is all about putting the right words in the right place and in the right order.

Getting down to the business of writing

Business writing is as varied as the number of businesses there are. Each one has its own style, its own template and its own focus but despite this myriad combinations there are four main categories into which business writing can be broken down, each with its own overall goal.

Copy the write way

Copywriting isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone. Some people have a flair for putting pen to paper and crafting a convincing collection of communications, but there are times when the words don’t flow for even the most gifted copywriter.

Getting A’s on your annual report

It’s the time of year that thoughts turn to annual reports. Most of us get at least one each year, from our superannuation fund, investment companies, even from the school your children attend. Writing annual reports can be a daunting task for those responsible for collating and disseminating the most relevant pieces of the year’s data but following a few simple steps can take help take the sting out of the job.

Exclamation inflation

It’s good to be excited and enthusiastic about the message you’re sending via your written communications. After all, good news is meant to be shared. But just as in verbal communication, being too exuberant can have a negative effect.

Pitching the perfect press release

Any publicity is supposed to be good publicity according to Hollywood heavyweights, but it takes more than a good turn of phrase and a nice picture to get your message noticed by the media.

The social experiment

If it’s not on Facebook, is it even real? In 2019, if you haven’t got a social media presence your business, company or agency will likely not be getting the exposure it needs to succeed. But there are so many social media platforms now available, how do you know which one will best suit your purposes?

The tender spot

Tender writing may not be an everyday thing, but for many businesses and government agencies, it’s a necessary part of working life. Putting together a winning tender isn’t like firing off a memo, composing the perfect presentation or finalising a business proposal.

Getting down to business

We’re bombarded with words, all day, every day – e-mails, brochures, reports, letters, ads, speeches, articles, PowerPoint presentations – so you can’t afford to let your business communications get lost in the crowd.

Copy that – five reasons to hire a copywriter

If you own your own business, it’s more than likely you outsource a lot of tasks to others more qualified. You hire an accountant to do your tax, a graphic designer to create a logo, a plumber to fix the toilet.

Writer’s block

A good cup of tea can cure many ills and it’s a go-to remedy for me when the words won’t flow.

The big C

Consistency is one of the most important principles in business and technical writing. Not just consistency of output but consistency of style, structure and format.

A recipe for writing

I’m a terrible cook. I try to follow the recipe – mostly – but the end product looks nothing like the picture. Writing is a little the same. There is a method and process that, when followed well, will usually give you a product that looks – and reads – like the picture.

Avoiding the death sentence

No-one can dispute the power of words, so when you put them together there’s no limit to what words can achieve. Words are the building blocks of sentences which are the foundation of written communications.

Don’t just be good – be great

Writing good content used to be good enough, but with so much now at our fingertips, if you want to get noticed you have to create great content.

The buzz on Biz-blab

Biz-blab is the new buzzword, and it’s killing corporate communications. It’s a big call, but if your audience can’t understand what you’re saying, or if the message is being lost in an over-abundance of acronyms and corporate-speak, you risk losing traction in the boardroom or the sales arena.

Top 10 editing tips to tighten your copy

Writers rarely get it right the first time. Good writers use first, second, third and even fourth drafts to get their ideas in order and hone their copy. Here are ten tips you can use to make sure you’re getting the most from your words.

Story time isn’t just for kids

A picture paints a thousand words, but what if you only have words to create engaging content? Can you still draw your reader into the story you’re telling? Of course you can. Examples and anecdotes add colour and personality to all types of written communication from corporate reports, blogs – even technical writing.

Proofread or perish

A proofreading error in 1631 could have changed the Bible’s Ten Commandments as we know it and highlights the importance of not leaving anything to chance when you’re about to sign off on any important piece of communication.

Choosing the right editor can save you time and money

Value vs. price
When choosing a writer or editor, it’s important to look at various elements, not just the quoted price.

Bullet points can shoot you in the foot

Communications have changed drastically over the past decade. Letters and phone calls have been replaced by emails and texts, and telling a story is now reduced to 280 characters or a picture that’s supposed to tell a thousand words.

Political correctness in writing

Being politically correct isn’t a choice in writing, it’s a necessity. And ensuring you’re communications are inclusive, non-discriminatory and non-offensive takes a little more effort than you may think.

Let’s get technical and ditch the jargon

They may be the latest buzz words, but too much jargon in your communications is more likely to make your audience buzz off.

Indexing: when, how and why?

The best way to find out what indexers do is to try it yourself. Grab an old textbook and go through it from page to page, highlighting every occurrence of names, places, titles and concepts. Go back and type up all the entries into a big table with the page numbers and page ranges included. Sort the whole thing into alphabetical order, and presto! you have an index.

Creating forms

Do you or one of your colleagues ever get asked to produce a business form or template for a specific subject or criteria? For example, a Project Management template, Tendering template or just a Glossary of Australian Acronyms.

Hiring a copywriter: your 5-point checklist

Here are some tips to ensure your outsourced writing projects run smoothly and achieve their objectives.

Six things to check when hiring an editor

Here’s a checklist of six things that will ensure you get the best result when hiring an editor.

Newsletters: the ideal communication tool

Do you use newsletters as a communication tool? And, if so, are you getting the most out of them?

How to write an effective press release?

Press releases can be a highly cost-effective way to promote your business or organisation, and should be an integral part of any marketing campaign.

Does your organisation have a policy for dealing with the media?

In an age of political correctness and a society that is becoming increasingly litigious, many businesses and organisations are developing a media policy to provide guidelines for staff and representatives.

How readable is your document?

Did you know that Microsoft Word has a built-in readability feature, which uses the Flesch Reading Ease score.

What are the different levels of editing?

A lot of clients are surprised to learn that there are different levels of editing available. An editor can be contracted to provide a range of editorial tasks depending on the state the document is in.

Tips for plain language: Keep sentences short

It’s easier for your reader to absorb your message if you keep your sentences short – around 15 to 20 words. By removing repetition and verbiage, using lists and headings properly, and shortening sentences, your reader will grasp your message faster.

7 steps in dealing with the media

Technology has brought massive changes to the way news is delivered today. News comes into our homes literally as it happens.

Communication – It’s all in the detail

Poor communication leaves a really bad impression! I had been a client of a certain major bank for over a decade and had always had good experiences with them. That is, until I opened a new account….

A well-placed word…

Clear, confident communication is the foundation of success across every industry. By following basic writing rules and using precise,…

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