October 9, 2019

Corporate vs Marketing

Creating true corporate communication strategies is a challenge for many organisations – large, small, private and public.
October 24, 2019

Top 5 communication skills and how to improve them

Text messages, emails, social media campaigns – communication in the workplace today takes many forms. However, it’s not about the amount of information managers are sending out to their employees that matters. It’s the way the information is disseminated that makes the biggest impact on staff engagement and motivation.
November 7, 2019

The ABC of TV interviews

Knowing how to navigate the quick-fire questions of a broadcast interview is a necessary evil for many executives and corporate kingpins. With the prevalence of social media and fake news, there is more room than ever for a faux pas to become the next news cycle’s headline.
November 20, 2019

Lost in translation

Language is ever evolving, and so should our communications. If I was ‘sick’ in 2000, I had a day off work, but today if I say “I’m sick”, I would be letting the world know how good I really am.
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