Newsletters: the ideal communication tool
June 20, 2018
Hiring a copywriter: your 5-point checklist
July 19, 2018

Six things to check when hiring an editor

Here’s a checklist of six things that will ensure you get the best result when hiring an editor.

1. What exactly do you require?

a. A verification edit?

b. A copyedit?

c. A substantive/structural edit?

d. A plain language rewrite?

e. Proofreading?

f. Formatting?

For explanations of the above terms, click here.

If you’re not sure what you need – ask for an assessment.

2. Provide a written brief so the editor is clear about what you require. If you’re not sure – discuss the project with them and confirm your requirements in writing.

3. Who is responsible? Does someone need to approve editorial changes or is it left to the editor?
4. To provide an accurate quote, the editor needs to receive a brief and view the document. If the document isn’t available at this stage, a rough estimate can be provided if you supply a word count and an idea of the level of editing required.

5. Extra charges may be incurred if:

a. there are changes to the brief after your editor has quoted

b. schedules are tightened, i.e. an element is sent later than agreed, but the deadline remains the same.

6. Try to involve the editor early in the production process. It’s easier and cheaper to incorporate changes before the project goes into the formatting or page layout stage.
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