July 10, 2019

Getting down to the business of writing

Business writing is as varied as the number of businesses there are. Each one has its own style, its own template and its own focus but despite this myriad combinations there are four main categories into which business writing can be broken down, each with its own overall goal.
June 27, 2019

Copy the write way

Copywriting isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone. Some people have a flair for putting pen to paper and crafting a convincing collection of communications, but there are times when the words don’t flow for even the most gifted copywriter.
June 12, 2019

Getting A’s on your annual report

It’s the time of year that thoughts turn to annual reports. Most of us get at least one each year, from our superannuation fund, investment companies, even from the school your children attend. Writing annual reports can be a daunting task for those responsible for collating and disseminating the most relevant pieces of the year’s data but following a few simple steps can take help take the sting out of the job.
May 29, 2019

Exclamation inflation

It’s good to be excited and enthusiastic about the message you’re sending via your written communications. After all, good news is meant to be shared. But just as in verbal communication, being too exuberant can have a negative effect.
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